Our direct investment management of domestic and foreign equity portfolios is robust, yet results in portfolios that are simple to understand, follow, and discuss.
Our investment management service includes the portfolio management of domestic and foreign equity portfolios. Portfolios are separately managed and are invested directly into publicly traded stocks. While our investment process is thoughtful and robust, portfolios are simple and transparent. We do not employ derivative instruments, short selling, frequent trading, nor the purchase of an excessive number of issues. These qualities make portfolios easier to understand, follow, and discuss. Portfolios have historically featured low turnover ratios, lower relative volatility, highly reliable income streams, and attractive down-market profiles. In addition to easy-to-visualize transparent portfolios, clients have direct access to their portfolio manager for detailed explanations around portfolio holdings and management rationale.
Our domestic portfolios consist of three strategies:
- Domestic Growth & Income Equity
- Domestic Income Equity
- Domestic Growth Equity
Click here for more information about our portfolio management process
Our foreign investment management adheres to the same investment philosophy as our domestic portfolios. Foreign equity portfolios offer a diversifying complement to domestic equity, domestic currency, and other domestic risks. Our foreign portfolios focus on publicly traded stocks in the developed markets of Australian and New Zealand. Our foreign portfolios consist of two strategies:
- Foreign Growth & Income Equity
- Foreign Income Equity
Click here for more information about our investment rationale for investing in Australia and New Zealand.